Its ok, but wasnt this just a rip off of the madness series? Some of the scenes are exactly the same, but atleast the madness series had good music on instead of the annoying loop you put on. It also didnt flow and was too jumpy.
Its ok, but wasnt this just a rip off of the madness series? Some of the scenes are exactly the same, but atleast the madness series had good music on instead of the annoying loop you put on. It also didnt flow and was too jumpy.
Better :D
This was better than the part one, the animation was less jumpy and the music wasnt just 5 second clips any more. Made me laugh, randy the lord of darkness, lol! You abviously know quite a bit about lotr which is good and the accents were better than P1. Still not great though you might wanna work on them ;)
:) nice review. At least it looks like I've improved myself from part 1 to part 2 :P I'm currently working on.. erm.. nothing. I have no good new ideas and it's useless to start a movie without sceneplay and/or voiceactors..
The animation was ok and the sound was good quality, but the accents were really awful. Like a cross between american, english, russian and austrailian. And it was annoying how you had the first few seconds of songs played over and over. Also, the animating was a bit jumpy and the charectors didnt move realisticaly. Not an amazingly awful flash... but not good either. Good concept though
honest review ;) some like the accent, some hate it. I had my difficulties on speaking all the chars by myself and that's why they speak stranger than they should :=
This was really cool... but it must have taken AAAGES to do. You were getting layed into cos neo was flickering but i think that looked really good. Coulda done with some sound... but maybe thatd have spoiled it. Great little flash.
that was funny as f*ck! really sweet animation man i have no suggestions as to its imporvement. the voices were really well done and the animating and drawing was pr0.
Unfaithful lizard or Titanium shaped badger?
Age 37, Male
Lancashire, England
Joined on 1/8/06